Marketing and Advertising during a recession

When it comes to marketing and advertising during a recession, there are a few key things to keep in mind in order to stay ahead of the competition. First and foremost, it’s important to remember that people are still spending money, but they are being much more...

Traditional SEO vs. 2022 SEO

The biggest difference between traditional SEO and SEO in 2022 is that traditional SEO is focused on optimizing a website for search engines, while SEO in 2022 is focused on optimizing a website for people. While the goal of SEO is still to rank high in search engine...

“Humanity” Matters for Content ROI

A recent article by Pernell Cox (Director of CX Consulting at Material+), caught our eye. It hit upon some themes we’ve been hammering on our blog in recent months. The article was entitled, “Enabling with technology, differentiating through humanity.” Sounds like...